Vehicle Inspections & Reports
Our certified mechanics are recognised for providing dependable automobile maintenance. They are completely trained to provide you with expert advice on all aspects of car servicing and repair for all makes and models of automobiles. Additional peace of mind is provided by Dural Automotive’s 62-point vehicle inspection report.
- Road test
- Noise and Vibrations
- Power Train Operation
- Under the hood
- Engine Oil
- Auto Transmission Fluid
- Power steering Fluid
- Pressure Test Cooling System
- Engine Coolant
- Hoses
- Drive Belts
- Air Cond. Sys. & Operation
- Battery Load Test
- Battery Water Level/Terminals
- Electrical Sys. Visual Check
- Engine Operation
- Brake Fluid
- Brake Master Cylinder
- Brake Booster
- Brake Pipes & Connections
- Vacuum Hose & Valve
- Clutch Fluid
- Clutch Hydraulic System
- Clutch Cable/Linkages
- Under the vehicle
- Engine Oil Leaks
- Transmission Oil Leaks
- Transmission Cooler Pipes
- Transmission Linkages
- Gearbox oil Leaks
- Differential Oil Leaks
- Engine Mounts
- Transmission Mounts
- Exhaust System
- Drive Shafts
- Universal Joints
- C.V. Joints
- Front Shock Absorbers
- Rear Shock Absorbers
- Springs
- Spring Mounts & Shackles
- Bail Joints
- Tie Rods
- Idler/Pitman Arms
- Suspension Arms
- Suspension Bushes
- Steering Box/Rack
- Steering Box/Rack Oil Leaks
- Wheels & Tyres (Inc. Spare)
- Check Tyre Pressure
- Front Pads/Shoes
- Suspension Bushes
- Front Disc/Drums
- Front Callipers/Wheel Cylinders
- Front Hoses, Pipes, Clips & Springs
- Rear Pads/Shoes
- Rear Disc
- Rear Callipers/Wheel Cylinders
- Rear Hoses, Pipes, Clips & Springs
- Hand Brake Cables & Linkages
- Interior and Exterior
- Panel, Paintwork & Body Fittings
- Windscreen & Other Glass
- Washes & Wipers
- All lighting & Horn Tone
- All Instruments & Accessories
- Trim & Interior Fittings